Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Economically Healthy 'Daily Planet' Now Most Unrealistic Part Of Superman Universe"

"'I can play along with Superman using a steel girder to swat someone into outer space, but I just can't get past the idea that The Daily Planet still occupies one of the largest skyscrapers in all of Metropolis and is totally impervious to newsroom layoffs or dwindling home subscriptions,' said comics blogger Marc Daigle, adding that it was impossible for him to even look at Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent, without immediately thinking he would have been replaced long ago by a freelancer who gets paid nine cents a word and receives no health benefits. 'Every time The Daily Planet shows up, I just get taken out of the story completely. I usually flip ahead to Superman freezing a volcano with his breath or something.'
"'I'm not saying The Daily Planet has to be an entirely accurate depiction of a media anachronism that no longer has a single reliable revenue stream,' Daigle added. 'But, come on, don't insult us.'"

From The Onion.

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