Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"The Museum's 'Patron Saint'"

"'I dig the dog. He's thinking, "Fuck this shit. I didn't join the LAPD, I was pressed into service against my will. You got some hopped-up dipshit in some backhouse, he's barricaded himself in there ... it's 116 degrees right now." And he's out front. There's no body armor on this dog. He's thinking, "I should be up at Ellroy's swank pad. Yeah, he'd let me sleep up on the bed. Yeah, he'd feed me steak. Yeah, I could go out and hunt cats in his backyard. I could be drinking tasty, bracing toilet water, sniffing crotches. Instead I'm out here risking my life for the motherfucking LAPD. Nobody asked me if I wanted this fuckin' job. I am truly a victim of the LAPD."'"

In the LA Weekly, James Bartlett visits the Los Angeles Police Historical Society Museum with James Ellroy.

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