Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"An Acidic Indictment of the Present-Day Cult of Architectural Stardom"

"There’s a cinematic sweep to Taylor’s compositions that makes several splash pages seem as capacious as a 70-millimeter theater screen. For their predominant tonality he chooses a warm sepia that has all the subtle gradations and dramatic multiple light sources of film-noir cinematography. Likewise, Kidd’s dialogue harks back to the fast-paced banter of B-movies in the Golden Age of Hollywood. The book’s craftily gauged pacing—which varies from crowded multi-panel pages to stunning single-image spreads—proves that all the digital gimmickry and 3-D effects of today’s action-movie franchises pale next to the imaginative powers of a first-rate artist working with pencil in two dimensions."

Martin Filler at The New York Review of Books reviews Chip Kidd and Dave Taylor's Batman: Death by Design.

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