Thursday, January 17, 2013

"Provocation" or "Civilized Discourse"?

"Indeed, the book’s engagement with the ideological battles of our time is oblique at best. As it is, Binder and Wood walk in on one of the most consequential political debates of our time through a side door. Reading about the differences between 'Eastern' and 'Western' styles of campus conservatism, one cannot help but hear the echoes of the ongoing argument over the soul of the Republican Party. The students at Western revel in the annoyance of their liberal peers and find succor in the right-wing media entertainment complex. The Eastern students resist provocation and show faith in dialogue to promote conservative values. It is an altogether confident, high-minded, and admirable approach to politics—and jarringly quaint."

Elbert Ventura in The New Republic reviews Amy J. Binder and Kate Wood's Becoming Right: How Campuses Shape Young Conservatives.

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