Thursday, April 04, 2013

"The One They’ve Been Waiting For"

"The plantation metaphor refers to a popular theory on the right. It holds that the 95 percent of African-Americans who voted for a Democratic president are not normal Americans voting their beliefs, but slaves. A corollary to the plantation theory is the legend of the Conservative Black Hope, a lonesome outsider, willing to stare down the party of Obamacare and stand up for the party of voter ID. Does it matter that this abolitionist truth-teller serves at the leisure of an audience that is overwhelmingly white? Not really. Blacks are brainwashed slaves; you can’t expect them to know what’s in their interest.
"Benjamin Carson is that Conservative Black Hope of the moment."
Ta-Nehisi Coates in The New York Times reflects on the rise and fall of various Anti-Obamas.

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