Sunday, October 06, 2013

"Bad Things Happen Everywhere"

"So after scripting a story set there ('Escape' also includes flirtatious French teenagers, a possibly demonic child and a mad scientist straight out of the 'Lost' mythology, all in the service of indicting Disney's culture of forced cheer), he began figuring out ways to shoot it. He scouted locations by bringing his own children to Disneyland, then cast-no name actors—Roy Abrahmson, a man who just last month was serving as a limo driver at the Emmy Awards, plays the lead—before he began shooting in Anaheim and Orlando. Production often involved guerrilla tactics, such as scattering his iPhone-enabled crew throughout the park so the whole thing didn't look like a movie shoot. Moore was so scared that Disney would catch on that he edited the movie in South Korea."

Steven Zeitchik in the Los Angeles Times talks with John Sloss about Sloss's new movie Escape from Tomorrow, made surreptitiously at Disneyland and Disney World.

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