Sunday, January 05, 2014

The Calvinist Moment

"That focus on sinfulness differs from a lot of popular evangelicalism in recent years. It runs contrary to the 'prosperity gospel' preachers, who imply that faith can make one rich. It sounds nothing like the feel-good affirmations of preachers and authors like Joel Osteen, who treat the Bible like a self-help book, or a guide to better business.
"'What you’d be hearing in some megachurches is, "God wants you to be a good parent, and here are seven ways God can help you to be a good parent,"' said Collin Hansen, the author of 'Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey With the New Calvinists.' 'Or, "God wants you to have a good marriage, so here are three ways to do that."' By contrast, Mr. Hansen said, those who attend Calvinist churches want the preacher to 'tell them about Jesus.'"

Mark Oppenheimer in The New York Times reports on the rise of Calvinism among Evangelical Protestants.

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