Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"Boardroom Liberalism"

"Bill Clinton was in many ways more conservative than Obama, whom you couldn't imagine signing a draconian welfare law, or an anti-gay-marriage law, or, for that matter, de-regulating Wall Street. But Clinton was not above riling up voters for partisan gain. By August of 1995, the year Republicans took over Congress, Clinton and his surrogates were flogging them daily over 'Medicare, Medicaid, education, and the environment.' When Republicans retook the House in 2011, Obama spent most of the year shunning partisan taunts in hopes of consummating a grand bargain. And Jarrett was there at his side, amplifying those sensibilities."

Noam Scheiber in The New Republic profiles Valerie Jarrett.

And Scheiber responds to the response to his article.

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