Monday, January 05, 2015

"In Many Significant Areas, Obama Has Already Succeeded Where Clinton Failed"

"On the most superficial level, Clinton's presidency looks more successful than Obama's. He oversaw an economic boom that created 22 million jobs during his time in the White House, turned budget deficits into surpluses, and left office with approval ratings in the 60s, around 20 points higher than Obama's are now. But nearly a decade and a half after it ended, how much of a success should liberals consider the Clinton presidency?
"There's no perfect answer; eight years of policymaking and appointments provide ample fodder for almost any argument you want to make. But for all the time liberals have spent criticizing Obama for compromises and missed opportunities, a fair accounting seems to put Clinton far behind Obama when it comes to accomplishing liberal goals."

Paul Waldman in The American Prospect compares Bill Clinton to Barack Obama.

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