Saturday, January 24, 2015

"Instead of Transcending the Obama Coalition, Mr. De Blasio Has Become Its Prisoner"

"From the get-go, Mr. de Blasio's campaign fused two distinct strands of progressivism. The first was economic populism, not least his criticism that Michael R. Bloomberg had placed the interests of Wall Street and the wealthy above those of average New Yorkers.
"The second was what some have called 'identity group' liberalism, which appealed to black and Latino voters as blacks and Latinos, not on the basis of economic interests they shared with whites. The centerpiece of Mr. de Blasio's identity-group agenda was his promise to win better treatment for minorities at the hands of the police.
"The problem for Mr. de Blasio is that only the first approach has widespread appeal."

Noam Scheiber in The New York Times assesses Bill de Blasio's first year as mayor.

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