Thursday, January 29, 2015

"The Clubhouse Has Been Closed"

"At UCLA I had seen Citizen Kane and The 400 Blows, Raging Bull and Rear Window—the Big Stuff. At Vidiots, bombarded by the obsessions and passions of my fellow film nerds, I was on a steady diet of everything else. Aquatic monster movies with cheap plots and cheaper props. Post-Vietnam vigilante flicks. Busby Berkeley musicals. British kitchen sink dramas. Perverse Czech animation. On any given evening a 1970s sci-fi space opera might be followed by Charles Burnett's neorealist L.A. drama Killer of Sheep. It was like being invited to a Vegas buffet where I could eat as much as I wanted and the bill never arrived. Film school had given me breadth; working at a video store gave me depth."

Elina Shatkin in the LA Weekly mourns the closing of Santa Monica's Vidiots.

Update: Javier Panzar in the Los Angeles Times reports that Vidiots will stay "open for the foreseeable future."

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