Wednesday, February 04, 2015

"As Cool as Kim"

"Perhaps for women, rock stardom is more accurately the intersection of who you are and who you’re expected to be. And perhaps Gordon's raw, messy tell-all is her way of rejecting our expectations. Rather than offer up claims that she’s just like everyone else, her book itself is proof that she's not the unflappable rock goddess she's made out to be. She is not a fashion icon, because 'all I was trying to do was dumb down my middle-class look by messing with my hair.' She did not find the perfect balance between domesticity and creativity: 'I wasn't doing as much as I thought I should be doing individuallymy art career was kind of on hold.' She is not a flawless advocate for all women in music because she thinks Lana Del Rey should 'just off herself.' She has come to hate both the art world (which 'has almost completely deteriorated into setting up a room with objects for sale') and New York ('I wonder, What's this place all about, really? The answer is consumption and moneymaking')."

Ann Friedman in The New Republic reviews Kim Gordon's Girl in a Band.

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