Saturday, February 14, 2015

"Politics Can Still Be a Calling, Not a Business"

"For that Senate race, Axelrod also recruited a partner from his consulting firm, David Plouffe, to help out. That proved a brilliant move. Obama came to believe as strongly in Plouffe's talents as he did in Axelrod's, so that in his presidential run four years later, he made Plouffe his campaign manager and Axelrod continued as strategist and message meister. Together, they were as essential to Obama in 2008 as Louis Howe was to Franklin Roosevelt in 1932. Plouffe quietly created a grass-roots ground game that shocked the Hil­lary Clinton campaign; in learning how to channel Obama, Axelrod caught lightning in a bottle."

David Gergen in The New York Times reviews David Axelrod's Believer: My Forty Years in Politics.

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