Monday, May 04, 2015

"As Long as the Melody Is Still There, That's All That Matters"

"'I don't think the 70s and the 80s were great days,' Paul Weller says. 'There were loads of things I hated about them, frankly, and I much prefer my life now. If you gave me a time machine to go back to those decades I wouldn't be bothered. What did I hate about the 70s? Black-and-white television. The way people were overtly racist and Neanderthal. Every gig I went to was violent, with crowds exploding in blood, fists, kicks. I'm pleased to say that we've improved, and I'm really glad we're far more cross-cultural now.'"

Tony Clayton-Lea in The Irish Times talks with Paul Weller on the eve of a new album release.

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