Sunday, May 10, 2015

"This Man Reveled in Awkwardness"

"So let's keep it simple: Not one single writer/performer in the last 35 years has had Dave's seismic impact on comedy. Every day, I read that a new comic has 'changed the game,' and admittedly there is an absurd abundance of talent and creativity out there right now. But in today's world of 30 late night programs, it's tempting now to take Dave for granted. Do not. Dave was a true revolution—and I believe his innovations are up there with the light bulb and the Twix bar. Like all revolutions, it was such a seismic shift that it was disorienting and a bit messy at first, and it has taken us time to realize the sheer magnitude of the shift."

In Entertainment Weekly, Conan O'Brien remembers David Letterman in the 1980s.

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