Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Way We're Droppin' Hamiltons

"What to make of all this? Well, people are complicated, and don't always line up along the conventional left-right axis. Hamilton has an especially unstable background, especially compared to Virginia planters who dominated the founding generation: Born in the British West Indies and orphaned, Hamilton had an early history so sketchy, we're not even sure of his birth year.
"But part of it is that we've gotten Hamilton wrong over the decades, perhaps thanks to high school history classes that framed Hamilton as the father of American conservatism and Jefferson as the founder of U.S. liberalism, with Andrew Jackson as his inheritor."

Scott Timberg in Salon looks at reactions to the announced elimination of Alexander Hamilton from the $10 bill.

Ron Chernow at Politico pleads to keep Hamilton on the bill.

Binyamin Appelbaum and at The New York Times discuss the issue.

And David Greenberg at Politico defends Andrew Jackson.

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