Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"What Is Within His Power to Do"

"But for Francis, this might not be a bad thing in the long run. As the world grows wearily acquainted with the pontiff, the greatest source of collective frustration seems to be that he is, at the end of the day, a rather traditional Catholic. His great success as a Pope has arisen not from his willingness to import new or extra-doctrinal ideas into standing Catholic doctrine, but from his ability to present classic facets of Christian theology and Catholic tradition in a way that makes them relevant and exciting. His credibility within the Church (however grudgingly conservatives regard his choice of subjects) depends on this steadfast commitment to the Church's long tradition. And the credibility of the Church depends, in large part, on that as well."

Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig in The New Republic looks at Pope Francis's declining popularity in the United States.

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