Thursday, August 20, 2015

"A City in Almost Continuous Search for a Great Man to Solve the Problems of Its Police Department"

"Inevitably perhaps, some of the most interesting figures in 'Blue' are the bad guys. Among the book's best moments are the mini-profiles of reformed gang bangers and cops turned criminals.
"'It's hard to beat Rafael Perez as a cop gone bad. Perez was the central figure in the Rampart Division scandal in the 1990s, when officers were found to be beating suspects and stealing and selling their drugs, among other things. Domanick quotes a prison-bound Perez, 'dressed in shackles and blue jail garb,' explaining his fall from grace: 'Whoever chases monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster himself.'"

Tony Perry in the Los Angeles Times reviews Joe Domanick's Blue: The LAPD and the Battle to Redeem American Policing.

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