Saturday, August 08, 2015

"But in the Hollywood Sense? You Bet"

"Now, picture in your mind how Trump looks. He is running things. He sets the tasks. The competitors all call him 'Mr. Trump' and treat him obsequiously. He gives orders and famous2 people accept them without quibble. At the end of the show, he asks tough questions and demands accountability. He is smooth and unruffled while the team members are tense and tongue-tied. Finally, having given everything the five minutes of due diligence it needs, he takes charge and fires someone. And on the season finale, he picks a big winner and in the process raises lots of money for charity.
"Do you see how precisely this squares with so many people's view of the presidency?"

Kevin Drum at Mother Jones ponders Donald Trump's political support.

As does Jonathan Taplin at Talking Points Memo.

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