Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The British Bernie Sanders

"So what exactly is Corbyn’s worldview, and how might he govern if elected prime minister of the United Kingdom? Corbyn is a self-described 'socialist' or 'democratic socialist,' an old-school tax-and-spend left-winger who believes government spending—not austerity—is the key to economic stimulus. He wants to close the U.K.'s budget deficit by, in part, raising taxes on the rich and ending corporate subsidies.
"Domestically, he wants to renationalize the country's much-maligned railways, scrap university tuition, and introduce rent controls. Many of these positions enjoy widespread support, though another—his support of mass immigration to the United Kingdom—does not."

Ahead of the Labour Party's leadership election, Krishnadev Calamur in The Atlantic looks at frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn.

As does Matthew D'Ancona in The Guardian.

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