Monday, October 23, 2017

"Is This the Strange Death of Irish America?"

"What happened to Irish America, that closed, intense world I know mainly from movies and books? How could I make sense of its drying up and blowing away, unmourned? Here's one version of its disappearance. At some point since 2000, I noticed that the right-wing chorus pontificating from screens in bars and shops was filled by men with names like Hannity, O'Reilly, and Buchanan. Nobody else seemed to care, so I let it go as one of those oddities that interested only me. Then came Bannon's ascension as Trump's eminence grise, and it seemed impossible to ignore. This can't be accidental. Why have these white men come to the fore, rather than a more multicultural Catholic cohort—a Pole, an Italian, a German, and so on?"

Van Gosse at History News Network looks for "an Irish America I can embrace."

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