Friday, October 27, 2017

"This Is What the Trump Abyss Looks Like"

"And this base support is unshakable. It is not susceptible to reason. No scandal, however great, will dislodge it--because he has invaded his followers’ minds and psyches as profoundly as he has the rest of ours. He is fused with them more deeply now, a single raging id, a force that helps us understand better how civilized countries can descend so quickly into barbarism. In a country led by a swirling void, all sorts of inhibitions slowly slip away. Nativism, racism, nationalism: these are very potent catalysts of human darkness. Usually it is the president who takes responsibility when these demons appear to emerge, and attempts to refute, or discredit or calm them. But this one amps them up."

Andrew Sullivan laments at New York.

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