Saturday, August 11, 2018

"A Man Furious With a State That Seems Invulnerable to Him"

"Trump credits environmental deregulation and cutting taxes for the rich for the humming American economy, and yet Jerry Brown's agenda, which almost perfectly opposes Trump's, has accompanied even better growth: 'California's 4.9 percent increase in GDP last year was more than twice the gain for the U.S. and enabled the state's jobless rate to slide to 4.2 percent, the lowest on record since such data was compiled in 1976.' And the state has done it while leading on policies meant to combat climate change."

Lili Loofbourow at Slate writes that "[t]he world's fifth-largest economy is succeeding wildly in defiance of Trump's every prescription."

And she cites Matthew A. Winker's Bloomberg article.

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