Monday, August 06, 2018

"Most Struggling Whites I Know Live Lives of Quiet Desperation Mad at Their White Bosses, Not Resentment of Their Co-Workers or Neighbors of Color"

"Is the white working class an angry, backward monolith—some 90 million white Americans without college degrees, all standing around in factories and fields thumping their dirty hands with baseball bats? You might think so after two years of media fixation on this version of the aggrieved laborer: male, Caucasian, conservative, racist, sexist.
"This account does white supremacy a great service in several ways: It ignores workers of color, along with humane, even progressive white workers. It allows college-educated white liberals to signal superior virtue while denying the sins of their own place and class. And it conceals well-informed, formally educated white conservatives—from middle-class suburbia to the highest ranks of influence—who voted for Donald Trump in legions."

At The New York Times, Sarah Smarsh argues that "Liberal Blind Spots Are Hiding the Truth About 'Trump Country.'"

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