Tuesday, November 27, 2018

"Not Bad Luck but a Trap"

"In late March 1987, Hart spent a weekend on a Miami-based yacht called Monkey Business. Two young women joined the boat when it sailed to Bimini. While the boat was docked there, one of the women took a picture of Hart sitting on the pier, with the other, Donna Rice, in his lap. A month after this trip, in early May, the man who had originally invited Hart onto the boat brought the same two women to Washington. The Miami Herald had received a tip about the upcoming visit and was staking out the front of Hart’s house. (A famous profile of Hart by E. J. Dionne in The New York Times Magazine, in which Hart invited the press to 'follow me around,' came out after this stakeout—not before, contrary to common belief.) A Herald reporter saw Rice and Hart going into the house through the front door and, not realizing that there was a back door, assumed—when he didn't see her again—that she had spent the night.
"Amid the resulting flap about Hart's 'character' and honesty, he quickly suspended his campaign (within a week), which effectively ended it."

In The Atlantic, James Fallows asks, "Was Gary Hart Set Up?"

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