Thursday, December 27, 2018

"He Really Believes in California"

"It is no exaggeration to say that Brown’s tenure as governor of the Golden State—two disparate tours, separated by nearly 30 years, four terms and 16 years in all—bookends virtually the entire modern history of California. He is both the youngest and oldest man in modern times to preside over his state, and five years ago he surpassed Earl Warren's tenure as the longest-serving California governor. He leaves office next month, at 80, at the top of his game, California's once-depleted coffers bursting with surplus, his flaky youthful reputation as 'Governor Moonbeam' long since supplanted by his stature as perhaps the most successful politician in contemporary America."

Todd S. Purdam at The Atlantic assesses Jerry Brown.

Joe Garofoli at the San Francisco Chronicle writes that "Proposition 13 is no longer off-limits."

And Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo says goodbye.

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