Tuesday, January 08, 2019

"Has Her Fair Share of Conservative Admirers"

"'As millions of mothers poured in the workplace,' Warren writes, 'it became increasingly difficult to put together a middle-class life on a single income. The combination has taken these women out of the home away from their children and simultaneously made family life less, not more, financially secure. Today's middle-class mother is trapped: She can't afford to work and she can't afford to quit.' The book, which is full of practical advice for families looking to transition to a single income, ends with Warren and her co-author, her daughter Amelia, arguing on behalf of a generous financial subsidy for stay-at-home mothers, a policy that might have been dreamed up by the Catholic heterodox economist E. F. Schumacher."

Matthew Walther at The Week calls Elizabeth Warren a "forgotten reactionary."

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