Thursday, February 21, 2019

"A Potential Harbinger of a More Multicultural, More Progressive American Future"

"California has earned its reputation as the politically correct capital of Blue America, a heavily urban majority-minority coastal state where it's legal to smoke pot but illegal for retailers to provide plastic bags or cops to ask suspects their immigration status. Taxes are high, the first year of community college is free and driver's licenses have a third option for residents who don't identify as male or female. But while California has plenty of problems, from worsening wildfires to overpriced housing to that troubled bullet-train project that became the latest target of presidential mockery, there's one serious hitch in the GOP plan to make California a symbol of Democratic dysfunction and socialistic stagnation: It's basically thriving."

Michael Grunwald at Politico writes that "California is flourishing while pursuing the exact opposite of the policies Trump is pursuing in Washington."

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