Thursday, March 07, 2019

Le Mur, C'est Moi

"This last comment helps explain why Trump has been so obsessively fanatical about emphasizing his border wall pledge despite plentiful evidence that the public doesn't support it. The wall isn't just 'a wall,' and it's not just an emblem for fears about immigration: it's a symbol of fears about every kind of fear Trump supporters, actual and potential, might harbor. Trump's faith in the political potency of those fears is so strong that he's all but sacrificing the usual advantages of incumbency at a time when the country's not at war and the economy is doing well. 'Trump may have synthesized the essence of his reelection strategy in just three words toward the back end of his two-hour harangue,' said Brownstein: '"I'll protect you."'"

Ed Kilgore at New York writes that "The Wall can live on without physical manifestations because it has become a metaphor for Trump himself."

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