Saturday, September 07, 2019

"It Isn't a Failing Economy That's Putting Residents Out on the Streets, Though. It's a Booming One"

"It's unusual for the head of one committee to single-handedly spike a piece of legislation, especially if it's the top priority of another committee head in your own party. To Lane and others, Portantino's decision signified something more than Democrat-on-Democrat violence. It was emblematic of a kind of generational warfare that pits the 'younger and more diverse population in California,' says Lane, 'who have lots of student debt, are trying to rent an apartment, need to be in an urban environment near jobs, and are unable to find housing' against 'an older generation of boomers who own their homes and resist multifamily housing, upzoning, and . . . are still a powerful force' in California politics."

Tessa Stuart at Rolling Stone asks, "Why Can't California Solve Its Housing Crisis?"

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