Sunday, December 15, 2019

"The Bohemian-Proletarian Coalition Is Dead"

"All across the world, left-wing parties can—and should—win elections on the promise to fix capitalism by standing up for the interests of working people. And all across the world, they can—and should—fight for an inclusive patriotism that promises solidarity to all citizens, irrespective of the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, or their religion. It remains possible for the left to build a broad coalition on a principled message. But to do so, it first needs to recognize that its old political strategy has become obsolete—and that an exclusive focus on mobilizing voters who already have all the 'right' views is unlikely to compensate for the loss of its historic base."

Yascha Mounk at Democracy argues that in "most developed democracies, social and cultural issues have, over the past decades, displaced economic ones as the principal political cleavage."

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