Friday, January 31, 2020

"A Fight Over Reality—and Whether Reality Matters"

"The Trump impeachment trial was a test of the American system. Could the politicians in charge handle the truth, evaluate it fairly and reach a reality-based conclusion (which could still allow for a vote not to remove Trump)? The Republicans failed. Instead, they rallied for Trump; they renounced reality. Their action was in synch with how George Orwell in 1984 described the most important need of an authoritarian political party: 'The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.' That was the GOP playbook for the Trump impeachment. This trial was a measure of whether truth could triumph over political hackery and the authoritarian impulse that Trump has injected into the Republican Party, and the Republicans have convicted themselves."

David Corn at Mother Jones reacts to the vote to block witnesses at Donald Trump's impeachment trial.

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