Friday, May 03, 2024

"If the Turmoil Continues, History Suggests That It Will Be Another Significant Burden on Biden's Fight for a Second Term"

"Most media retrospectives of the 1960s celebrate the marchers, the protests, the peace signs along with the compulsory Buffalo Springfield lyrics ('There's something happening here/ But what it is ain't exactly clear'). The reality is those upheavals were an enormous in-kind contribution to the political fortunes of the right. And if history comes even close to repeating itself, then the latest episode will redound to Donald Trump's benefit."

Jeff Greenfield at Politico warns that the current student protests may lead to voter backlash.

Jill Filipovic at Slate writes that "the actual violence that has now played out at some protests makes clear that there is indeed a difference between emotional harms and physical ones."

And Frank Furedi at Spiked argues that the protests have been products of "safetyism" and "therapy culture."

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