Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The End of Reaganomics

"The old Washington Consensus was built on the premise that if leaders got the economics right, then politics would follow. Cheap consumer goods would keep voters happy at home, trade ties between nations would destroy the incentive to wage war, and the desire to compete in global markets would encourage authoritarian regimes to liberalize. Reality has not been kind to those predictions. Free trade upended American politics, helping to elect a spiteful kleptocrat initially opposed by his own party. The immense wealth Russia amassed by selling oil and gas to Europe may have actually emboldened it to invade Ukraine. Access to global markets didn't stop China from doubling down on its authoritarian political model."

Rogé Karma at The Atlantic proclaims that "[t]hese are the terms on which the debate is now being waged: not whether to restrict free trade, but where, how, and how much."

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