Friday, July 24, 2009

How You Gonna Get Respect?

"According to Terry and his ilk, what followed was a rapidly expanding, systematic program of ritual sacrifice and atonal music, designed to precipitate the apocalypse through the summoning of a Celtic death god named Samhain. Wyllie’s account is somewhat more prosaic and farcical, following the Process Church’s random global peregrinations, incoherent channeled theology (which gave equal billing to Satan, Lucifer, Christ and Jehovah) and increasingly totalitarian bureaucratic hierarchy from the point of view of an overworked acolyte, de Grimston, who believed he was being guided along a path of spiritual evolution by an incarnate goddess, or at least a secret Sufi master."

Doug Harvey in the LA Weekly reviews Timothy Wyllie and Adam Parfrey's Love Sex Fear Death: The Inside Story of the Process Church of the Final Judgment.

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