Friday, July 24, 2009

Lincoln Logged

In The New Republic, Sean Wilentz reviews Harold Holzer's Lincoln President-Elect: Abraham Lincoln and the Great Secession Winter 1860-1861 and The Lincoln Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Legacy from 1860 to Now, Michael Burlingame's Abraham Lincoln: A Life, Ronald C. White, Jr.'s A. Lincoln: A Biography, Fred Kaplan's Lincoln: The Biography of a Writer, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Donald Yacovone's Lincoln on Race & Slavery, and John Stauffer's Giants: The Parallel Lives of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. And Kaplan, Gates, and Stauffer (along with Michael Kazin) respond.

1 comment:

KcM said...

I eagerly await Lincoln Logs II: Rise of the John Wilkes Booth Logs... (via Slate's movie contest.)