Sunday, May 30, 2010

"Content to Send These Messages Out in a Bottle"

"'I sorta feel like when I was a teenager in the '70s, a lot of unmasking was going on.' It was true of the punk rock of the time, as well as of the absurdist, idol-smashing comedy of Steve Martin, Andy Kauffman and Monty Python.
"'I felt like the cover's been taken off these things and nobody's going to ever fall for it again,' Clowes recalls.
"Materialism, artifice and personal ostentation were especially well-skewered. But by the 1980s, people were driving showy cars again; rock songs had synthesizers. Comedy became guys in suspenders telling jokes for yuppies. Phoniness was back with a vengeance, and it fueled to Clowes' work."

Scott Timberg in the Los Angeles Times interviews Daniel Clowes about the new book Wilson.

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