Friday, March 29, 2013

A Sunkissed Miss Said, "Don't Be Late"

"But there is something irrational, indeed unpatriotic, in rooting for California to fail, as so many conservatives are now doing. Sure, they are upset that the Republican Party is dead in this state—R.I.P. G.O.P. And, among the fringes, there are those who cannot accept that California is a minority-majority state, with whites making up about 39 percent of the population. They’ve seen the future and don’t like it one bit.
"When Cal-haters say people are leaving the state because of high taxes—its top rate is 13.2 percent on earnings over $1 million—they mean people like them. Or people like the golfer Phil Mickelson, who complained that the tax burden on the millions he makes hitting a little white ball may force him to look beyond his Southern California moorings.
"Because, by any measure, the state is still growing."

Timothy Egan in The New York Times looks at California's comback.

As does Paul Krugman.

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