Tuesday, February 04, 2014

"Is There Another Other Conclusion to Draw from Those Statistics than the Affordable Care Act Is Working?"

"The CBO report cuts the legs out from the GOP's attack on 'risk corridors,' a provision of the ACA that balances costs and expenses for insurance companies participating in the act by paying insurers whose coverage expenses exceed expectations by a certain margin in the first few years of the act, and collecting excess revenues from those whose expenses come in unexpectedly lower.
"We've previously identified this GOP position as the most cynical attack on the ACA of all—the Republicans choose to call it a 'bailout' of insurers; actually, it's a way of keeping premiums for some plans from getting out of hand, until the industry has more experience dealing with its new clientele. Unsurprisingly, the GOP is doubling down on this dishonesty by talking about eliminating the risk corridors as a condition for raising the federal debt limit."

Michael Hiltzik in the Los Angeles Times reacts to the Congressional Budget Office report on Obamacare.

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