Monday, February 16, 2015

Defend the Wisconsin Idea

"The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where I work, is an urban research university that has been nationally recognized for service to the community. Twenty million dollars—our campus's likely share of the cuts—represents the entire annual budget of our business school, or our college of engineering, or our schools of public health, information studies and social welfare combined. Which should we eliminate to help students prepare for 'real world' jobs?
"We should reject Mr. Walker's claim that he knows best what the limits of Wisconsin students' education should be. As my students understand, the humanities train critical thinkers and citizens. That may be inconvenient for politicians who see their constituents as merely a 'work force,' but it is definitely good for our democracy, as well as our economy."

In The New York Times, Christine Evans slams Governor Scott Walker's attempt to undermine his state's university system.

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