Monday, February 25, 2019

"Poised to Once Again Widen the Parameters of Acceptable Debate"

"What all this represents is a second phase of the assault on American exceptionalism that Sanders launched in 2016. Back then, Sanders challenged the domestic side of the exceptionalist creed: the belief that American capitalism—buttressed by modest regulations and welfare provisions—provides upward mobility. Now Sanders is poised to challenge exceptionalism in foreign policy: the belief that America, as a uniquely virtuous nation, can substitute its own self-interest and moral intuition for international institutions and international law. Once again, Sanders's heresies mirror the anti-exceptionalist turn among America's young. A 2017 Pew Research poll found that Americans over the age of 30 were far more likely to say that the 'U.S. stands above all other countries in the world' than to say, 'There are other countries that are better than the U.S.' But among adults under 30, the latter view predominated by a margin of more than two to one."

Peter Beinart at The Atlantic writes that foreign policy "may offer [Bernie] Sanders a way to distinguish himself among a field that, on domestic policy, is ideologically bunched together."

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