Thursday, February 28, 2019

"What an Emotionally, Morally and Socially Stunted Little Man America Has for a President"

"As Naomi Klein points out in No is Not Enough, the answer to the question of why he can commit scandal after scandal and tell lie after lie and yet press on apparently unscathed (the issue of paying hush money to keep his mistress quiet is a campaign finance matter – most shrug at the infidelity) is embedded in the nature of the image he has crafted. 'His brand is in being the ultimate boss, the guy who is so rich he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants and to whomever he wants (including grabbing whichever woman he wants by whichever body part he wants) … According to these rules you don't need to be objectively good or decent, you only have to be true and consistent to the brand you have created.'"

Gary Younge at The Guardian reacts to Michael Cohen's testimony before congress about Donald Trump.

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