Sunday, November 02, 2008

Obama-Rama VIII: The Final Frontier

After eighty-eight posts, including all of these, here is the last Barack Obama-related document dump prior to the election:

Greg Mitchell and Dexter Hill in Editor & Publisher note Obama's 240-114 lead over John McCain in newspaper endorsements, including a 65-1 tally in college student newspapers.

Christopher Hitchens in Slate denounces Sarah Palin's views about science. (And he denounces McCain over attacking Rashid Khalidi.)

The editors of The Financial Times endorse Obama.

Hendrik Hertzberg in The New Yorker explains the Republican hysteria over voter-registration irregularities.

Jane Mayer in The New Yorker explores how Sarah Palin became the Repubican Vice-Presidential nominee.

Robert Draper in The New York Times searches for a coherent theme in McCain's campaign.

The Anchorage Daily News endorses Obama.

Laurie Goodstein in The New York Times investigates Palin's Pentacostalism.

Fareed Zakaria endorses Obama in Newsweek.

Radley Balko in Reason traces how government subsidies aided Cindy McCain's fortune.

Stuart Coleman in Salon interviews Obama's sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng.

The editors of The New Republic endorse Obama.

Timothy Noah in Slate asks Alan Brinkley and David Greenberg why a war record no longer necessarily aids presidential candidates.

And E. J. Dionne, Jr., in The New Republic calls Obama "the first truly 21st-century figure in American politics."

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